Azure Pond
© 2006 by Ellin Anderson


Ellin Anderson

Work is done, and so is day;
Evening's glow of love
Holds the silver night at bay
While stars reflect the ashes of
The loosetrife fading, plum to gray
The twilight fading, plum to gray

I stood where the low trees bleed
Berries, near the pond.
Sweetness rose from every reed
And touched me as I saw, beyond
The shore, the wading heron — still
The dancer on her mirror — still

When she arcs into the sky
Her soft back will bear
Water-color, azure dye.
When she leaves the lucid air
She'll cast the modest blue of grace
Onto the water's placid face

No one cares how late I sleep,
Or wonders where I go.
Yes, I know the woods are deep;
I will taste the falling snow,
And wander through the fields to take
Long walks beside the frozen lake

Ask us what we'd like to be:
Left alone? My friend,
That's demanding much. They'll see
The crescent draped at either end
With your feathers, and my skin
The moon, a hanger for my skin

Eloquence of skeletons
Will tell what birds we were.
Every poet's echo runs
Within the only register:
A record kept in shells of verse
A life, set down in shells of verse

Now the heron crouches, flies,
Skims above the trees.
Far away, an echo dies
With the light, on nights like these:
What's a life lived out in words?
What's a life lived out in words?

What I've made it — this is all
What I've made it — this is all.



© 2006 by Ellin Anderson. All rights reserved. No part of  this work may be copied or used in any way without written  permission from the author.

Aix Sponsa, "the bride of the waters."


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Solid Rock
The Drive to Barre
Three Drinking Songs
The Liberty Tree

Lost at the Towers
Cold Spring
Snow White / The Apple-Eves
A Rabbit
Four Sonnets
The Bee Swarm / The Honeyman / Did She Curse the Bees?
Little Fred
Butterfly, Columbus Day
The Outlaw
A Ballad of Inspiration
The Revenants
The Wolf-Dog
We Who Refuse to Die
The Field of Flax
The Little Mermaid

Alfheim / The Christmas Tree
The Devil's Den
The Swan
Three Warriors

The Captive Stag

The Patriots' House
Anne's Hearth
The Lovers' Forest
The Stray Cat
Ellin Anderson's Biography